Catalog -> Meat dishes -> Steaks and chops
* The daily nutrient requirements provided by this calculator are intended for healthy adults only. If you have any medical conditions, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or under the age of 18, please consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized nutritional advice. Individual needs may vary, and it is important to consider your specific health circumstances when determining your dietary requirements.
Beef sirloin is a cut of beef that comes from the rear back portion of the animal. It is known for being lean and flavorful with a moderately tender texture. It can be prepared in various ways such as grilling, pan-searing, or roasting, and is a popular choice for steaks and roasts.
Beef sirloin is a great source of high-quality protein, essential for muscle growth and repair. It also provides important nutrients such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which support overall health and energy levels. However, it's important to consume lean cuts and practice moderation, as saturated fat content in beef sirloin can be high.
Beef sirloin is a good source of protein, iron, and B-vitamins, but it is important to be mindful of portion sizes and cooking methods. Consumption of excessive red meat, including beef sirloin, has been linked to an increased risk of certain diseases such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. To minimize health risks, it's advisable to enjoy beef sirloin as part of a balanced diet and to choose lean cuts, trim visible fat, and opt for healthier cooking methods such as grilling, broiling, or roasting.
It is recommended to consume 3-4 ounces of cooked beef sirloin per day, as part of a balanced diet. Remember to also incorporate a variety of other protein sources and nutrient-dense foods for optimal health.
Beef sirloin is a source of protein and contains no common allergens. However, individual reactions to specific foods can vary, so if you have known allergies or intolerances, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming beef sirloin or any other meat products.
The ratio of macro elements (protein, fat, carbs) in Beef sirloin
The ratio of amino acids in Beef sirloin. See full profile
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