Components -> Minerals -> Macroelements
Phosphorus is a mineral that plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. It is also essential for the body's energy production, as well as DNA and RNA structure.
Phosphorus is a component of DNA, RNA, and cell membranes, making it essential for the body's growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues and cells. It is also crucial for forming strong bones and teeth. Additionally, phosphorus plays a key role in energy production in our body.
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for phosphorus is around 600 to 700 mg per day for adults. However, individual needs may vary depending on age, sex, and other factors.
Phosphorus plays a crucial role in bone health, as it works in tandem with calcium to maintain strong bones and teeth. It is also involved in the production of ATP, a molecule that provides energy for various cellular processes. Additionally, phosphorus helps in the formation of DNA and RNA, and plays a role in maintaining the body's acid-base balance.
High levels of phosphorus in the blood, often caused by kidney disease, might lead to bone and heart problems. Phosphorus consumption in excess of the recommended levels can also contribute to osteoporosis and other bone disorders. It's important to maintain a balanced intake of phosphorus to avoid these health risks.
If your phosphorus levels are low, you may experience symptoms such as weakness, bone pain, increased infections, and other issues. It's important to consult a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of low phosphorus, as it is often a result of another health issue, and to receive advice on phosphorus supplementation.
Vegans can get their phosphorus intake from plant-based sources such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Foods like lentils, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, and tofu are excellent sources of phosphorus for individuals following a vegan diet.
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Veal, thymus, cooked, braised
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
532.95mg per 85 grams
Liver, boiled, without salt
Type: Dish
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
473.54mg per 85 grams
Liver, boiled, salt
Type: Recipe
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
6,759.68mg per 85 grams
Roasted liver
Type: Recipe
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
6,597.04mg per 85 grams
Veal, thymus, raw
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
453.05mg per 85 grams
Beans, yellow, mature seeds, raw
Type: Food
Pulses and pulse dishes -> Pulses
439.20mg per 90 grams
Veal, pancreas, cooked, braised
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
435.20mg per 85 grams
Type: Food
Fish dishes -> Fish
795.60mg per 204 grams
Beef, liver, cooked, braised
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
422.45mg per 85 grams
Beef, brain, cooked, pan-fried
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
420.75mg per 85 grams
Baking powder
Type: Food
Miscellaneous -> Miscellaneous ingredients
420.00mg per 5 grams
European sprat
Type: Food
Fish dishes -> Fish
419.10mg per 110 grams
Beef, liver, cooked, pan-fried
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
412.25mg per 85 grams
Veal, liver, cooked, pan-fried
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
410.55mg per 85 grams
Cheese, mexican, queso cotija
Type: Food
Milk dishes -> Cheese, ripened cheese
400.95mg per 55 grams
Veal, liver, cooked, braised
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
391.00mg per 85 grams
Beef, pancreas, cooked, braised
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
385.05mg per 85 grams
Chicken, liver, cooked, pan-fried
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
375.70mg per 85 grams
Salmon in oil, canned
Type: Food
Fish dishes -> Fish products
1,834.80mg per 417 grams
Beans, pink, mature seeds, raw
Type: Food
Pulses and pulse dishes -> Pulses
373.50mg per 90 grams
Reindeer, boiled, salt
Type: Recipe
Meat dishes -> Steaks and chops
5,369.74mg per 85 grams
Reindeer roast
Type: Recipe
Meat dishes -> Steaks and chops
5,369.74mg per 85 grams
Veal, brain, cooked, pan-fried
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
368.90mg per 85 grams
Mollusks, scallop, mixed species, raw
Type: Food
Fish dishes -> Crustaceans and molluscs
100.20mg per 30 grams
Lamb, pancreas, cooked, braised
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
366.35mg per 85 grams
Liver, pork
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
365.50mg per 85 grams
Liver, reindeer
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
365.50mg per 85 grams
Beef, liver, cooked, pan-fried
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
362.95mg per 85 grams
Mollusks, scallop, (bay and sea), cooked, steamed
Type: Food
Fish dishes -> Crustaceans and molluscs
362.10mg per 85 grams
Lamb, liver, cooked, braised
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
357.00mg per 85 grams
Pumpkin seed
Type: Food
Snacks -> Nuts, seeds and dried fruits
352.20mg per 30 grams
Hemp seed, whole
Type: Food
Snacks -> Nuts, seeds and dried fruits
116.00mg per 10 grams
Hemp seed, without hull
Type: Food
Snacks -> Nuts, seeds and dried fruits
116.00mg per 10 grams
Chicken, liver, cooked, simmered
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
344.25mg per 85 grams
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Steaks and chops
341.00mg per 110 grams
Lamb, pancreas, raw
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
340.00mg per 85 grams
Processed cheese, 20-24% fat
Type: Food
Milk dishes -> Processed cheese
335.50mg per 55 grams
Processed cheese, 9-12% fat, low-fat
Type: Food
Milk dishes -> Processed cheese
335.50mg per 55 grams
Beef, thymus, raw
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
334.05mg per 85 grams
Liver, beef
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
331.50mg per 85 grams
Liver, chicken
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
171.60mg per 44 grams
Liver, average
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
331.50mg per 85 grams
Beef, brain, cooked, pan-fried
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
328.10mg per 85 grams
Veal, brain, cooked, braised
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
327.25mg per 85 grams
Veal, liver, raw
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
322.15mg per 85 grams
Game bird
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Chicken and other birds
319.00mg per 110 grams
Vendace, lake
Type: Food
Fish dishes -> Fish
319.00mg per 110 grams
Powan, whitefish, pollan, lavaret
Type: Food
Fish dishes -> Fish
574.20mg per 198 grams
Veal, kidneys, cooked, braised
Type: Food
Meat dishes -> Offal dishes
316.20mg per 85 grams
Game bird, grilled/fried
Type: Recipe
Meat dishes -> Chicken and other birds
6,991.86mg per 85 grams
What you eat matters.