
For us, Nutriely is much more than just a business, an app or a database.

It is a way to express our lifestyle, it is a way to make sure we are able to work towards a better future for everyone. We care about how our actions and food choices affect our bodies, as well as the environment around us. We care about plants and animals alike, and are willing to make the hard choices for a better future.

We see sustainability as a life-long mission. It is not something we can just check of the list. It is a way of critical thinking about everything we do or use. It is not just about the process, ingredients or materials but rather about learning to see the big picture of how humans fit in this ever changing world.

We believe that as the dominant inhabitants of the earth it is our responsibility to learn how to live within the environment.

We aim to provide the tools and inspiration to adapt your habits in an efficient, yet sustainable way.

By using our tools and supporting Nutriely you too are part of our movement, and together we can achieve great things.